Thursday, February 28, 2013

What ACTUALLY Causes Cancer?

Cell phones.  Microwaves.  Diet soda.  Sugar.  Power lines.  TV screens.

Every day, we are exposed to a laundry list of modern devices and substances.  And I would bet that most of us have wondered what the effects of all those substances are.  The list above is are things that are usually found in news headlines, right before the part that screams "CAUSES CANCER!!"

When you stub your toe, there is no question what the cause was.  But cancer takes years, even decades, to develop.  We carry our cell phones every day, use microwaves to heat our food, and drink our diet sodas at work.  And as humans, we like to attribute things to a cause.  So when someone hears about a diagnosis of brain cancer, it is natural to wonder what really happened over all those years of holding a cell phone to your head.

So, what causes cancer?  There are two ways to answer that question - one way which lends itself to fear mongering, and one way which lends itself to rational public health decisions.  I'll let you guess which one I prefer.

Read more after the break.